Thursday 20 February 2014

Natural Gas and LNG ISO Containers

Depletion of the invaluable natural resources is but a result of the human tendency to overexploit what is available for free! Natural gas, also known as methane, too has been exhausted at the hands of humans. Even though it is available in abundance across many parts of the world, there are also nations where the availability of natural gas is rather scarce.

However, the natural gas is now being utilized in a much wiser way to contribute to the development of our nations, to build us a better future. This gas is cooled to be liquefied at -161 degree Celsius to LNG (liquefied natural gas) that has become as popular source of energy. The reasons for its rising popularity are the following advantages:

• The gas is clean as it exudes less green house gases as compared to other fossil fuels

• High energy efficiency

• Easy to transport over long distance through rail, road transport or ships

The liquefied methane is contained, stored and transported in LNG ISO containers. These containers are specially designed to serve the purpose. Stated below are the distinctive features of the LNG ISO containers:

• It is designed as an intermodal container for easy transportation by land or waterways. They can thus be transported using regular flatbed trucks or through shipping containers.

• Designed with borings for an economizer circuit and a liquid withdraw circuit to be utilized in vaporized form.

• Multi layer insulation system renders exceptional thermal work through vacuum.
With such fine provisions for containing and distributing the LNG, the natural gas can become a viable option for many, thus enabling them to make a wise investment.